Sunday, November 1, 2020

With Prayer and Gratefulness and an Eye to the Horizon...

This is how we need to be at this time. Ready to do battle both physically and spiritually.

Pray for our family, neighbors, and our country.

Be grateful for the time that we have been given.

Jesus was not a pacifist. Stop thinking and believing that. Never forget that He chased the merchants and money lenders out of the temple violently.

I have been silent for personal reasons much of this year. I have been watching, observing, and planning to the best of my ability at this time. I have still holes to fill that it may be too late to fill. 

There is encouraging information on the election front. It is in God's hands now. Our ancestors have survived worse or otherwise we would not be here, now, at this moment. We were meant to be here, at this moment. Take courage in that. Gird up your strength. Lift your eyes to the hills. 

I was reminded of the Polish Winged Hussars when they arrived at Vienna and help sweep the field of the Ottoman Army. Europe stood at the brink of darkness and oblivion. Miracles happened and Europe was saved for a time.

If we have a miracle with this election, relish in it. Celebrate it. Tell it to your children and your children's children. There seems little to celebrate these days. We must show our gratefulness.

But also keep a watchful eye on the horizon. The enemy will only be rocked on their heels for a time. They will return sooner or later. We must not think of this as a One and Done. The war continues. 


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