Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Different Thought About The Pro-Abortion Bills Around The Country.

This is my take on the whole sudden rush, whack-a-mole style, of the passed and introduced abortion and infanticide bills in various states.

One word.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Be First, Not Right. Other Quick Thoughts.

A couple of quick thoughts:

1) The MSM has really showed how much they have bought into their mantra of report first, maybe worry about accuracy later. Of course they have done that since election night 2016, but I digress. The latest of course is the story of the Native American being "mocked" by teenagers wearing MAGA hats. Talking heads breathlessly recounted the edited version of the video, which, when the complete video is viewed shows a completely different reality to the story. But what is new? They certainly are not.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

We Are Live...Five Years On.

Five years ago I posted this:

We Are Live...

It has been an interesting ride since then. I started this blog after an Army buddy suggested that I try it. We used to sit and have long discussions about history, politics, the Army, guns, growing up in different parts of the country, and life in general.

Since then I have posted over 300 posts and had over 57,000 views. We have loved and lost, moved across two states, and ended a way of life to try to start all over again. The world has changed too, yet remained much the same.