Friday, March 15, 2019

I Am Still Here. Why I Have Not Been Posting Lately.

Quite honestly, with everything that is going on in the world at such a rapid-fire pace, I think it is more important to slow down, take time to chew, swallow, and digest daily events. I have lessened my daily intake of news. I am still abreast of major stories, but I have allowed myself space to see broader patterns in play. No more rushing from reaction to reaction. I am setting my own pace.
For those who say that I will overtaken by events and the reactions/responses to them, I understand their point of view. I think the greater question is how to do we react to things that we cannot control. Remember, news is just that, reports of events that have happened. Granted, in today's instant tech world, events are broadcast as they happen with little context given. Talking heads rush to available microphones and camera to spout already written talking points for event A, B, C, D, and so on.

I have not been posting lately because I would rather take that time and work on the things I can control. I am not ignorant of what is going on or the potential ramifications of such events. I chose not to be emotional about.

A lot of this idea stems from a TED talk that I saw with former professional wrestling personality Eric Bishoff on how Politics and Professional Wrestling have more in common than meets the eye.

The opening couple of minutes is priceless.

Step outside of their OODA loop. Then step out of it again. Engage with your family, friends, and neighbors. The news media is desperate to be relevant. They know that they are losing. I know that I am watching for the stories that are buried by big spectacular stories. The stories that REALLY matter.

So know that I am still here. I am still thinking. I am still writing.

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