Monday, October 22, 2018

The Great Unmasking, Part V

Depending on the sources, the caravan of "refugees" from Central America, trekking across Mexico, has grown to somewhere between 7,000 and 14,000 people. The logistics of such a group is staggering to comprehend. This was not just an ad-hoc group. This has planning written all over it. With planning comes money. A LOT OF MONEY. And as the saying goes, Always follow the money.

However, interestingly enough, there is a major storm bearing down on that portion of Mexico. While I do feel for the poor, unfortunate souls who have not yet realized that they are nothing more than clay figures in the hands of the "gods of Olympus", I think greater judgement needs to placed and executed on those who are the enablers of this march.

Is this how the Cloud People see themselves?
This group of people, in numbers, is comparable to a heavy brigade's worth of soldiers. I was taught while in the Army that the average soldier generates about 5 pounds of trash a day. Where is that going? Who is paying for food, water, basic sanitation, and other necessities?

So, will the Great Unmasking continue?

I believe so. The sources of money will be chased down. The timing, with the mid-terms, is not lost on many Americans. Which is why I think that the numbers for early voting is reaching record numbers already.

If instead of a Blue Wave in November, if it is a Red Tsunami, will things get better? I pray so, but experience and history tells me that at that point, the Neo-Jacobins will go from harassment to assassination. They will feel justified in this too. But instead of being only here or there, they may just be your next door neighbors.

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